Sunday, January 13, 2008

Brandy and Fish. The sonar and the furry. Mom and Dad's dog talking about how much they both hate cats.
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Self portrait in Red Cam Tam

Trying to hone my portrait skills with this self portrait. The actual cap is cream coloured but I liked the contrast with the red cap. And since most of my lady paintings are wearing big colorfull hats, I guess it just fit.

2008 promises to be a very interesting year with joining the Night of Artists group I am truly excited about what this year holds for me. I hope I can keep up on my blog as well as facebook and myspace. A lot of typing and uploading and what not so it will be a challenge but hopefully not too bad and worth it. Means using the other side of my brain from time to time, which frankly could use a workout anyway.

Please excuse the poor quality photos, I've yet to figure that out or find a publisher to work with. Like I said this year hopefully will show a leap in my life as an artist.
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Monday, January 07, 2008


Sunday, January 06, 2008

This is Buddy.
For Scott, my long time pal that I regretabley have a hard time hooking up with. The distance across the city at times seems bicoastal....but I miss you and will see you soon.